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My Phone got dropped...rather hard...and just seems it stopped working

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I dropped it Monday night....dropped it rather hard actually...about 200 mph, I would say. I was just a WEE bit frustrated with how crappy it was working so, I dropped it. After about 4 bounces, it actually stopped working.....


SOOOOO......Because I lost a lot of data (which was about to happen anyway-no hammers in sight so I had to drop it), IF you had a text going with me,


PLEASE text me with your name so I can recreate my list. I have hated that phone for about....ohhh....since about 9 minutes after I bought the stupid thing, and it was inevitable that it would learn to fly, albeit badly and quickly to the ground.


Anyway, again, if you have a text going with me, PLEASE text me so I can recreate my database.


Thanks guys. ;)

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