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Mystery burning smell

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I noticed a mysterious burning smell when I turned my 2013 Legacy off tonight. I checked the CV joints and the rest of the engine compartment and I don't see any leaks. The car is slightly overfilled from the dealer but it isn't burning any oil (although it smells pretty strongly of gas). The car isn't pulling at all on the road so I don't think the brakes are dragging. I don't use the e-brake so it's not that. I'm sort of at a loss. The only suggestion I got that I haven't ruled out yet is that the AWD is very sensitive to alignment and it could be the tires overheating. I guess I'll check tomorrow when I get to work to see if the tires are hot but this seems unlikely to me.


Any other ideas? Any help is appreciated.

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I've only noticed it once so far. I'll be checking frequently now and I'll take it to the dealer if the problem persists. I just thought if someone had an idea and it was something easy to check I would take the initiative.
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I've only noticed it once so far. I'll be checking frequently now and I'll take it to the dealer if the problem persists. I just thought if someone had an idea and it was something easy to check I would take the initiative.


When my car was bought it had 2 mile on the clock, I notice a clutch smell when i would back in and park in my driveway, it went away after about 100 miles.


Could be debris on in the exhaust, maybe a plastic bag or similar:redface:


Other than that it is brand new make good use of that warranty my Subaru dealer dropped me like a bad habit at 36K miles :lol: then completed shunned be at 60K.

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