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Fighting a speeding ticket

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On my way into work this morning I got hit doing 49 in a 40 zone. Ridiculous if you ask me, I seriously thought it was a 45 zone. The cop was actually really nice about it, other than giving me the ticket.


It was on a divided 4 lane road, in light traffic, sunny/clear weather and no cyclists/pedestrians around. I told her I couldn't believe she was giving me the ticket as I clearly wasn't intending to do anything wrong. When I saw her I even thought "whew, glad I'm not speeding".


She said if I just pay it ($100) then it will be no points on my license and will show like I wasn't wearing my seatbelt. I really don't want to pay it as I feel like I wasn't doing anything wrong.


Advice? Pay it and move on?



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With a ruby red spec. v I'm amazed she didn't pull you out of the car and beat you for doing mach 10. All joking aside that sucks but yeah pay it. Be glad you won't get points and have your insurance go up. Think of it this way, if you work full time what will it cost you to blow half a day waiting in court. Now add on the ticket cost for not paying it right away. Is it worth that much to you? I got a crap ticket, the cop almost ran me over, and he even managed to get my plate completely wrong. I paid that one because it wasn't worth the time away from work to fight it (and I was the best man at a wedding on my court date).
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If its out of state you won't get any points ... just a fine. I don't think i've ever heard of a speeding ticket that didn't get you points. Maybe because the speed is so low??


Either way, I used to always fight any ticket I got. It was easier when I had the time and didn't need to take off work. Now I just fight the ones where points are involved. 9/10 times they'll drop it down to a lesser charge / no points.


Look it up and see if points are involved. If not, +1 for mail the check and forget about it.

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She said if I just pay it ($100) then it will be no points on my license and will show like I wasn't wearing my seatbelt. I really don't want to pay it as I feel like I wasn't doing anything wrong.


That doesn't make sense, unless she wrote you a ticket for not wearing your seatbelt. If you get a ticket for 9 over, and you pay it, you pay the consequences of 9 over. I know in NY it's 2-4 (not sure) points + usually like a $250+ fine.


I would go to court and fight it. Usually they'll knock it down if you're nice and explain your position.


edit: yeah as someone above said, if it was out of state there wont be any points.. but it would still be a fine for speeding, not a seatbelt.

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With the economy in the toilet, don't expect to be able to talk your way out of any tickets. especially when you clearly were speeding.


Wife got hers dropped (51 in a 35) yesterday. Just go to court, the worst case is you have to pay the ticket. However, all other possible outcomes are better for you. It's a no lose option other than your time.

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Check with an insurance agent (not necessarily your own) if a ticket for 9 mph over (state the specific speed) will translate to points. IF not, then pay it and be done with it. IF it will translate to points, hire a lawyer and have him talk it down to "improper equipment" or something (that's what they do here in NC).


While you may "feel" you weren't doing anything wrong, you actually were breaking the speed limit.


In about 3-4 days your mailbox will probably be filled with solicitations for traffic lawyers. Call one of them and see what they charge for this. I had it done about 6 months ago, and ran me $160 + the court fee (~$90). But I was doing 75 in a 55, so my pts and insurance would have been much more if I pleaded guilty.


Good luck to you.

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Pay it and move on, $100 is not worth your time, taking time off work sucks. Dude you're lucky it's only a hundred bucks, in WA state, our minimum ticket is like $130, doesn't matter what it's for, No seatbelt= $130, Tail light out?= $130. Greedy bastards.

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Pay it and move on, $100 is not worth your time, taking time off work sucks. Dude you're lucky it's only a hundred bucks, in WA state, our minimum ticket is like $130, doesn't matter what it's for, No seatbelt= $130, Tail light out?= $130. Greedy bastards.

WHAT?!?!! they fine you for a light being out? That is crazy. In most places they give you a fix it thing. And then if you don't fix it in a day or 2 they can fine you...

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WHAT?!?!! they fine you for a light being out? That is crazy. In most places they give you a fix it thing. And then if you don't fix it in a day or 2 they can fine you...


They'll fine you for anything they can in King County, or Pierce County (the 2 biggest counties in the Seattle Area). The moment you go outside of those 2 counties, the cops are generally more leinient (generally speaking). Our cops are revenue whores around here, sorry if that sounds harsh, but it's the truth. It used to not be as bad, but ever since the recession started, and the state had to make budget cuts, the cops seriously stepped up "their efforts". Officers, Deputies are losing their jobs due to these cuts, it's no wonder that they are trying so hard to bring in extra money. In way, I almost can't blame them.

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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