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Cleaning Light Carpet?

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I have the light interior in my LGT and man does it stain easy. I have a steam cleaner for my house it has a hose with a rotating brush on it. I was thinking of getting a shampoo of some sort but I couldn't find any car carpet shampoo for the steam cleaner. Can I just use carpet shampoo for the house or something. Or should I just use a spray can like it says on OCDetails.com.
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you want to use a foaming shampoo cleaner. vacuum it completely to get the "loose" soil up. then spray (sparingly) foaming cleaner on it and agitate w/ a soft brush or damp terry towel. use HOT water in your shampooer and NO shampoo in it. although there is no substitute for a hot water extractor, this should get you good results provided the interior is not completely trashed.
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