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My car is different from yours!

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Now that I've caught your attention, let me get on my flame suit.




So I tried to do an install this last weekend of a Cobb STS. I got all the panels off and the insulation, then I went for the snap-ring and...what? I DO NOT have one...okay whatever, so I just pull the shifter out of the white bushing and it looks like the ball joint is about twice as big on the Cobb as it is on the stock one. The flat spot on the bottom is almost exactly twice the size. So basically the new Cobb or the Kartboy I had laying around (bought for CHEAP) won't fit. Not even close. I shoved the stock shifter back into the socket and have been driving it for a couple days without the panel hoping for an idea.


Anyone else have this issue?



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take a picture....and post it that might help us see whats going on. if it was in his 05 id think it would fit. Was his a SpecB or a GT? The difference in transmissions might be a reason? Im just trying to think of any possible variable here
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